Saturday, May 01, 2010


Aerotour Korea is the only flying company owned and operated by an expat in South Korea.they offer flight experience courses for people wanting to fly a light airplane.

From May, all flights will be one hour long. they'll also be allocating blocks for people to fly, people with cars or other means of transport will have less time to hang around at the airport. they're also consulting some companies on pick up services from Taean to also help with everyone's journey .

Weekend course is available on March 06th. This course was extremely popular last year and booked up nearly every weekend. The course as more in depth groud school to include aerodynamics needed to understand some of the maneuvers they'll do.This course includes steep turns which are awesome fun to do and you will feel ...some G in the process. You should also be able to actually accomplish an assisted take off and landing.

Totally awesome fun!

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