Citizens and football fans have been curious about how much the young female football players will receive in cash rewards for winning the championship title at the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in Trinidad & Tobago last Sunday, local time.
“No precise details have been discussed concerning the monetary rewards for winning the championship. The amount will be decided to commensurate with their achievements,” said an official of the Korea Football Association.
The national team, which placed third at the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup in July, received a combined 247 million won, which was broke down to 20 million won for Director Choi In-cheol, 15 million won each for the three trainers, 10 million won to each for the 14 A-class players and 6 million won awarded to the seven B-class players.
The rewards are much less than the amounts awarded to the players of the national men’s team, which advanced to the final 16 at the World Cup in South Africa in June (a minimum 90 million won to 170 million won) but higher than the U-20 and U-17 members, which both advanced to the quarterfinals (5 million won).
Yet due to the nation’s historic winning of the title, the U-17 women’s team is expected to receive more than the U-20 squad. However, given the fact that they are still high school students, the rewards are expected to be translated into scholarships, observers said.
The young female players were given MP3 players instead of cash on the grounds that they were still students, when they advanced to the quarterfinals at the U-17 Women’s World Cup in New Zealand in 2008.
Credits :Koreatimes
Korean Language Service
사상 첫 FIFA 우승에 포상금 얼마나 될까
한국축구 사상 처음으로 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 주관 대회 정상에 오른 U-17 여자대표팀의 포상금 규모는 얼마나 될까.
대한축구협회 관계자는 “협회 내부에서 포상금에 대한 구체적인 논의가 아직 없었다. 대회 후 합당한 수준에서 결정될 것이다”고 밝혔지만 전례에 비춰보면 어느 정도 예측은 가능하다.
7월 U-20 여자월드컵 3위에 올랐던 대표팀은 모두 2억4700만원의 격려금을 받았다. 최인철 감독에게 2000만원, 황인선 코치 등 3명의 코치에게는 각 1500만원이 주어졌다. 선수들은 A, B 등급으로 나눠 A등급(14명) 1000만원, B등급(7명) 600만원을 받았다.
이는 6월 남아공월드컵 본선 16강을 이뤄낸 성인 남자대표팀 멤버(최소 9000만원, 최대 1억7000만원)보다 낮지만 작년 나란히 8강에 오른 U-20, U-17 남자대표팀 멤버(500만원)보다는 높은 금액이다.
U-17 여자대표팀이 역사적인 첫 우승을 차지한 것을 고려할 때 U-20 여자대표팀 이상의 포상금 지급이 전망된다. 다만 선수 전원이 고등학생 신분이라는 점을 감안해 포상금은 장학금 형식으로 지급될 것으로 보인다.
2008년 뉴질랜드 U-17 여자월드컵 8강에 올랐던 선수들은 학생 신분이라는 점 때문에 당시 현금이 아닌 mp3플레이어를 부상으로 받았다...`
Monday, September 27, 2010
Miss Korea Tops International Pageant

Ha Hyunjung, 2010 Miss Korea second runner-up, became the first Korean to be crowned the main title at an international beauty pageant, Saturday in China.
The 23-year-old topped 75 other beauties at the 2010 Miss Tourism Queen International
competition held in Qingzhou.
"I feel great pride as Miss Korea to win the top title at an international event and will take
on the role with great humility. I plan to participate actively in hands-on charity work such as
environmental protection and helping needy children,” Ha said.
Miss Tourism Queen International was launched in 1993 for the purpose of revamping the tourism industry and advancing international cultural exchange.
It has been held in China annually for the past seven years.
“Miss Tourism Queen International is more than about promoting tourism but it aims to
encourage cultural relations among different countries. I wish to become an ambassador for
cultural exchange in our global community,” said the beauty queen.
The Seoul native is reported to have drawn the judges’ interest at the Q&A session, during which she responded to questions in fluent English. Ha will return home on Oct. 2 after touring several cities in China.
By Lee Hyo-won
Credits :Koreatimes
Stories of the Month,
today in korea,
Seoul Plaza opening to rallies
Metropolitan Council announces revised ordinance
The Seoul Metropolitan Council on Monday announced a revised ordinance allowing all forms of assemblies to take place at Seoul Plaza without prior approval from the city administration. The rule went into effect immediately.
The announcement came as the Seoul Metropolitan Government strongly opposes the opening of the plaza to demonstrators. The city government is considering filing an administrative litigation to nullify the ordinance passed twice by the council, which is dominated by the main opposition Democratic Party (DP).
Despite concerns that the ordinance may cause “chaos” at the plaza, the council is determined to push the rule. The council Chairman He Kwang-tai made the rule official by posting the ordinance on the council’s bulletin board.
“Seoul Plaza at the heart of the capital city is a sacred place of Korean democracy. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered there to denounce authoritarian administrations in the past and it has become a place of harmonization and peace. We hope the skeptics will realize that more than 10 million Seoulites have always been mature and will always be,” the statement said.
It said Seoulites have given majority council seats to members of the opposition Democratic Party with a hope to put the brakes on the one-sided policies pushed by the ruling Grand National Party.
“It is our duty to allow the free use of the Seoul Plaza to all people and guarantee the constitutional rights of the people to assemble without restriction.”
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon vetoed the ordinance for the second time earlier last week. He said the revision conflicts with a higher-level law that obliges pre-screening of the use of public assets.
“Large-scale assemblies at the plaza could be dangerous, risking the safety of pedestrians as well as drivers since protestors often occupy car lanes. Also, the plaza is too close to the U.S. Embassy: the current law bans gatherings within 100 meters of diplomatic institutions,” a city spokesman stated.
The administration also stated that the majority of citizens desire to enjoy the green area without noisy clashes of ideology and this makes it logical to insist on tightening the screening process.
There have been attempts by so-called liberalists to use the plaza, but the administration has barred them by staging state-run concerts and other cultural events. Some conservative groups have managed to gain approval to use the space several times, but the administration made it clear that the plaza will be used for “non-political” purposes.
The council pushed the passage for the second time citing the civil right to assembly. The revision was supported by 100,000 citizens, who collected signatures to submit to the council last year. Chairman He’s announcement Monday follows a pertinent rule allowing the council chairman to make the announcement in case the mayor delays to do so within five days from the council’s request.
The city government said it will file an administrative suit against the council with the Supreme Court.
Credits :Koreatimes
By :Bae Ji-sook
The Seoul Metropolitan Council on Monday announced a revised ordinance allowing all forms of assemblies to take place at Seoul Plaza without prior approval from the city administration. The rule went into effect immediately.
The announcement came as the Seoul Metropolitan Government strongly opposes the opening of the plaza to demonstrators. The city government is considering filing an administrative litigation to nullify the ordinance passed twice by the council, which is dominated by the main opposition Democratic Party (DP).
Despite concerns that the ordinance may cause “chaos” at the plaza, the council is determined to push the rule. The council Chairman He Kwang-tai made the rule official by posting the ordinance on the council’s bulletin board.
“Seoul Plaza at the heart of the capital city is a sacred place of Korean democracy. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered there to denounce authoritarian administrations in the past and it has become a place of harmonization and peace. We hope the skeptics will realize that more than 10 million Seoulites have always been mature and will always be,” the statement said.
It said Seoulites have given majority council seats to members of the opposition Democratic Party with a hope to put the brakes on the one-sided policies pushed by the ruling Grand National Party.
“It is our duty to allow the free use of the Seoul Plaza to all people and guarantee the constitutional rights of the people to assemble without restriction.”
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon vetoed the ordinance for the second time earlier last week. He said the revision conflicts with a higher-level law that obliges pre-screening of the use of public assets.
“Large-scale assemblies at the plaza could be dangerous, risking the safety of pedestrians as well as drivers since protestors often occupy car lanes. Also, the plaza is too close to the U.S. Embassy: the current law bans gatherings within 100 meters of diplomatic institutions,” a city spokesman stated.
The administration also stated that the majority of citizens desire to enjoy the green area without noisy clashes of ideology and this makes it logical to insist on tightening the screening process.
There have been attempts by so-called liberalists to use the plaza, but the administration has barred them by staging state-run concerts and other cultural events. Some conservative groups have managed to gain approval to use the space several times, but the administration made it clear that the plaza will be used for “non-political” purposes.
The council pushed the passage for the second time citing the civil right to assembly. The revision was supported by 100,000 citizens, who collected signatures to submit to the council last year. Chairman He’s announcement Monday follows a pertinent rule allowing the council chairman to make the announcement in case the mayor delays to do so within five days from the council’s request.
The city government said it will file an administrative suit against the council with the Supreme Court.
Credits :Koreatimes
By :Bae Ji-sook
Stories of the Month,
today in korea
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