Wednesday, February 01, 2012

2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students: Graduate Programs

The National Institute for International Education (NIIED) is now accepting applications for the 2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Studies. I'm also under the same scholarship but I am doing undergraduate .
This scholarship is said to be the most prestigious scholarship in Korea for foreigners so why don't you give it a try!

Duration of the Scholarship
o Master’s (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2015) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s

o Doctoral (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2016) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral

  1. -Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won (KRW) per month.
  2. -Research Allowance : 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester.
  3. -Relocation (Settlement) Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival
  4. -Language Training Fee : Full coverage
  5. -Tuition : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED.
  6. -Dissertation Printing Costs : 500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs.
  7. -Medical Insurance : 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage).

  8. -Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean 

  9.  language (TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korea)  Level 5 or 6): 100,000W  per month 

(commencing from the degree program)

  •  The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenship.
  •  Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time.
  •  Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of September 1st, 2012 (born after September 1st, 1972).
  •  Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Masters degree as of September 1, 2012.
  • Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution.
  •  Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may    be given preference.
  •  Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference.

For detailed guidelines please download the links below:

*2012 KGSP Graduate Program Guideline(모집요강).doc (180) ,

*2012 KGSP University Information (Korean).pdf (59) ,

*2012 KGSP University Information (English).pdf (54),

*Guidelines_for_2012_KGSP_Graduate_Admission (입학안내).pdf (59) ,

*2012 KGSP University Information English.pdf (4)
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