"I know if I was to be UN Secretary General, I would be a great secretary general" he says.
"I know the world like no one. None of the previous UN Secretaries general has had my field experience and visited as many countries as I have visited. I have visited over 100 countries. I was born barefoot in one of the poorest areas of East Timor; that means one of the poorest areas of the world. No UN Secretary general has had this type of poor background. I am more sensitive to issues of poverty than anyone" he says.
He is leading his young country out of poverty and yet got shot and had to be hospitalised.
And I think folks...No UN Secretary General has had the luxury of grass root supports from the worldwide web comunity such as blog,facebook, twitter and ect. Now it's the time, for the people of the world to elect their leader! the voice of one people of the world!
for more information please click this link below :
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/José_Ramos-Horta
Mr. Horta is the only best diplomats Melanesians. He is also a warrior nation of Timor, a nation oppressed-exploited br who is arranging a free and their lives. UN Secretary General's position that he is fit for people who want to determine the fate of nations can fight for the fate of their own through the UN containe...r with a 'little bit of hope though these institutions are controlled by and filled with the interests of the imperialist countries.
all support for jose ramos horta as a futur un secretary general shaping a new leader arriving with a sort of international popular will for change and justice.....
I"m from Timor Leste and always and will support him. Before Kofi Annan left the post I was certain he will get the position, but he declined. And now I believe he have declined another position as UN Human right commissioner. To stay and assist his people is what he wanted. Go for it Senhor Ramos Horta, do what you feel right.
Con mucho cariño y mucho respeto, alguien que lo recuerda mucho
Ramos Horta is warrior figure for the Melanesian nation
Vir bonus, dicendi peritus.
A good man, skilled in speaking.
The current UN Secretary General is nowhere to be seen! let's replace him in the next election with Mr Horta who can represent the voice of the people of the world.....
we always suport Sir to be A President because always halpful people......
thanks god because you give the best president to our nation..........
Ximenes !
I am very agree with,when Mr.Ramos Horta became Secretary General..
God Bless You <3
Dr.Jose Ramos Horta pas untuk posisi Sekjen PBB. Dia satu2nya diplomat ulung asal Melanesia. Bangsa Eropa, Timor Tengah, Afrika dan Asia sudah pernah menjadi Sekjen PBB. Kini tiba saatnya Organisasi Internasional tsb dipimpin oleh Diplomat asal Melanesia. Dialah Jose Ramos Horta!!!!!!
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