Here are a few tips from other blog I found and revised
Be nice to her family and to her best friend, too, but not that nice because then she’ll assume you’re hitting on her friends and that would NOT bode well for you. They like gifts too.
Every Korean girl likes expensive brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Dior and Chanel. Remember dates, like the 100th day after you met, the 100th day after you first kissed her, the 100th day. And buy her a little something accordingly. So you must be rich or at least keep up appearances that you are. Your first gift can’t be something too cheap or else she’ll think you’ll never be able to provide for her “stay at home and look hot” lifestyle. but at the same time, you can NEVER downgrade. it’s all up from there.
Carry her designer purse for her when she asks you to. As embarrassing as it is, it is less embarrassing than when she starts to whine and starts sobbing, “but so and so’s boyfriend carries her bag for her, don’t you love me baby? why won’t you carry my bag for me, my arm hurts so on so on.
Prepare to get fat. Korean girls love to feed their men. Fatten them up for the kill, so to speak? They’ll make you so fat that no woman would want to see you naked.
Pretend not to notice when she’s stuffing her face. Most Korean girls will pretend that she doesn’t eat that much but once you get closer you will know that a Korean girl’s stomach has no limitations. She was lying when she said she wasn’t hungry the first time you took her out to dinner. As soon as you dropped her off at home, she busted out the biggest pot in the kitchen and made herself some bomb ass bibimbap with the four bowls of leftover rice. And ate it all. In one sitting. And probably downed it with a beer.
Korean girls like to feel special. Don’t check out other girls when you’re spending time with her. She has eyes like a hawk and will notice if you so much a glance at another girl. She’ll make a big deal and start a fight with you in the middle of the street. If you do get busted, your first words better be, “Why are all girls so damn ugly next to you, baby? Let’s go to shoppingl.”
When you go drinking remember that she drinks way more than she’s letting on. Korean girls hardly get drunk but they would like to appear it so you can take care of her. But then again Korean girls like to drink soju, so it can’t actually be that much. She’s probably faking the whole drunk act just so you can give her a piggy back ride.

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