Saturday, July 10, 2010

International Development Cooperation Camp

EndPoverty2015,KOICA,UN Millennium Campaign,ODAwatch,IDC(International Development Cooperation),(Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)had a global civic sharing and to made a campaign about Timor Leste on 7-9 of July at National Youth Center of Korea in Cheonan,So,They're invite all of Timorese students in South Korea to take part in these activities,

Through this Program they concerning over our Lovely♥ Country and increase 100 University student's understanding and support for Timor-Leste!

Stand Up,Take Action, EndPoverty Now!

안녕!!!동티모르! ^^*

Myung Shin KIM(Korean National Commision for UNESCO)

Have some refreshments and make friends^_^
Promote opportunities among participants for discussion,problem solving and future planning for MDGs in Timor-Leste^^*

Stand up,Take Action and Endpoverty Now!
Have a discussion about Universal Education in T.Leste!

Timor Leste Ambassador to Korea(Explain everythings about East Timor)
Group Meeting

Got d Certificated from President of GCS^^*
Group Picture with Korean's University Students

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